Years ago Saskia witnessed two wonderful ladies being taken advantage of from a financial perspective.
Appalled at the situation, Saskia decided to take action and create a company called Everything 4 Seniors. Saskia’s goal was to find companies to network with that were truly senior-friendly.
When deciding to return to real estate Saskia brought her passion of working with Seniors with her. One of Saskia’s first referrals was a delightful 80 year old lady named Jean. Jean was too young in mind and spirit to be called a senior and needed someone to work side-by-side with her to determine a solution that would fit her lifestyle.
Together they looked at a retirement community, however, she felt she was still too young to have someone cook and clean for her. In her mind, A reverse mortgage was out of the question.
Saskia created Sell ‘n STAY® to address Jean’s desire to stay in her home while accessing 100% of her equity. Saskia was mindful of the simple formula K. I. S. S. ( keep it simple stupid) when designing the program. The premise was to be transparent, fair, and benefical to all parties concerned. She wanted to make the process secure, less stressful and protected the privacy of her clients.
The goal was to grow the company so Saskia entered into a strategic relationship with realtors from around Ontario to launch it provincially and offer an alternative to more people. The synergy in their goals to help people created the opportunity to bring Sell ‘n STAY® concept to people across Ontario.
Although as a Realtor registered in Ontario Saskia is always open to helping realtors around the world to start this program in their community. Together we can make amazing things happen.